The Executive Committee sets annual objectives to support the achievement of the core aims of the International Collaborative. The objectives for 2025 are set out below.
Aim 1: Undertake international research in care for the dying
Validate the CODE questionnaire in at least three further languages (Spanish, Portuguese and Kannada (Indian dialect))
To establish the EU Horizon 2020 iLIVE Project Legacy Group
To progress research ideas from Summer School into Project Groups
International benchmarking of 100 case notes
24hr practice review of an aspect of care for the dying
2025 Strategic Objectives:
Aim 2: Drive forward an international 'care for the dying' research strategy
To revise and resubmit the international research project on the Serious Illness Care Programme (COMCARE) to the EU Research Programme
To develop an EU Marie Curie PhD Programme linked to the International Collaborative
To deliver the annual Research Thinktank meeting
To submit the 40 Core Outcomes for publication on the COMET database
Undertake an Implementation Research study on the 10/40 Model strategies and effectiveness in Latin America and Spain
Facilitate a PhD study on the 10/40 Model in India.
2025 Strategic Objectives:
Aim 3: Encourage international learning and teaching collaborations to improve care for the dying
Advertise five locally-run courses on the bestcareforthedying.org website
Consider EU COST Action and Erasmus bids for the development of a European network to advance practice in care for the dying across Europe, to include a training course for the 10/40 Model
Deliver education opportunities to the wider healthcare community by preparing and delivering a series of four online webinars
2025 Strategic Objectives:
2025 Strategic Objectives:
Achieve the Year 2 objectives for the joint EAPC Task Force group
Include Task Force development as a key agenda item at Executive Committee twice per year
Promote the work of the Task Force at EAPC 2025 in Helsinki
Develop a project plan for the EAPC White Paper on Care for the Dying
Aim 4: Optimise the collaboration with the EAPC Task Force on Care for the Dying
Aim 5: Support the development of the International Collaborative 10/40 Model for Best Care for the Dying Person and associated materials/processes within the Quality Improvement Framework
Develop a structure for the strategic development of the 10/40 Model
Link health services bereavement practices with the Quality Improvement Framework, including CODE
Encourage take-up of the 10/40 Model and provide support to the 21 organisations with congruence-approved documentation, underpinned by the Facilitator Network
Maintain five established International Collaborative Reference Centres and support the further development of three others in Portugal, Spain and the UK
Promote the Quality Improvement Framework
Achieve the objectives set by the Facilitator Network:
To pilot an education package for training the trainers in Sweden
To develop and implement the Staff Perception Questionnaire
2025 Strategic Objectives:
Aim 6: Develop an effective communication strategy within the International Collaborative
Implement an 18-month strategic content development plan for the bestcareforthedying.org website
Link to the iLIVE website and, when iLIVE finishes, merge relevant content into the Collaborative website
Maintain bi-monthly mailshot communications via the new bestcareforthedying.org website
Establish a subgroup, including representation from the CM team in iLIVE, to oversee the development of the Collaborative's online presence
2025 Strategic Objectives:
Aim 7: Globally disseminate the work of the International Collaborative
Promote the work of the Collaborative at the following:
Latin American Congress of Palliative Care, March 2025, Sao Paulo
EAPC World Congress, May 2025, Helsinki
Oceanic conference, September 2025, Brisbane
EAPC Research Congress, May 2026, Prague
PAL 2026, Montreal
Asia-Pacific Hospice Network Conference, Malaysia
Indian Association of Palliative Care conference 2026
2025 Strategic Objectives:
Aim 8: Organise and promote international meetings to advocate best care for the dying person
Hold an Annual General Meeting at the 10th Annual Conference in Liverpool, November 2025
Deliver the 10th Annual Conference in Liverpool, November 2025
Develop the programme for the 11th Annual Conference in Lund, 2026
Agree and announce the date and location of the 2027 Annual Symposium
Deliver the Summer School event in 2025
2025 Strategic Objectives: