Our members are working to improve care for dying people in in 64 countries around the globe.
Together, we're making a difference.
800 members
64 countries
6 continents
Our diverse membership is the cornerstone of the International Collaborative's success. We welcome clinicians and researchers from a range of professional backgrounds, allowing us to draw upon their combined expertise as we work to expand the evidence base and develop educational and quality improvement resources that support advances in clinical practice and policy.
In return, our Full Members enjoy a range of professional benefits, including the opportunity to participate in EU-funded research projects, international networking opportunities, reduced registration fees for courses and events, and access to a comprehensive quality improvement framework that equips individuals and organisations to provide the best possible level of personalised care for people approaching the end of their lives.
Free Membership of the Collaborative is open to all.
Full Membership is available to those who have paid the annual subscription as set by the Executive Committee, and:
hold a recognised formal qualification in medicine, psychology, social sciences or nursing, or have relevant professional equivalence
are or have been actively engaged in research or clinical work with people with palliative and/or end of life care needs.
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