A core outcome set for best care for the dying person: Results of an international Delphi study consensus meeting
Sofia C. Zambrano, Martina Egloff, Valentina Gonzalez-Jaramillo, Andri Christen-Cevallos Rosero, Simon Allan, Pilar Barnestein-Fonseca, John Ellershaw, Claudia Fischer, Dagny Faksfåg Haugen, Urška Lunder, Marisa Martin-Rosello, Stephen Mason, Birgit Rasmussen, Valgerdur Sigurðardóttir, Judit Simon, Vilma A. Tripodoro, Agnes van der Heide, Lia van Zuylen, Raymond Voltz, Carl Johan Fürst, Paula R. Williamson, Steffen Eychmüller, on behalf of the iLIVE Consortium
4 December 2024
Palliative Medicine
Generating Consensus on Good Practices in the Care of Portuguese Internal Medicine Patients Facing Imminent Death: A Delphi Study
Rui Carneiro, Manuel Luís Capelas, Catarina Simões, Elga Freire, António Henriques Carneiro
5 October 2024
10/40 Model
Dealing With Temporality in Patients With Life-Limiting Disease: An International Qualitative Study
Melanie Joshi, Guðlaug Helga Ásgeirsdóttir, Miša Bakan, Hana Kodba Čeh, Dagny Renata Faksvåg Haugen, Urška Lunder, Eva Víbora Martín, Beth Morris, Birgit H. Rasmussen, Elisabeth Romarheim, Vilma Tripodoro, Agnes van der Heide, Verónica Veloso, Berivan Yildiz, Sofia Zambrano, Julia Strupp, Raymond Voltz, on behalf of the iLIVE Consortium
25 August 2024
Qualitative Health Research
'Someone must do it’: multiple views on family’s role in end-of-life care – an international qualitative study
Vilma Tripodoro, Veronica Veloso, Eva Vibora Martin, Hana Kodba-Ceh, Misa Bakan, Birgit Rasmussen, Sofia Zambrano, Melanie Joshi, Svandis Iris Halfdanardottir, Gudlag Asgeirsdottir, Elisabeth Romarheim, Dagny Faksvag Haugen, Tamsin McGlinchey, Berivan Yildiz, Pilar Barnestein-Fonseca, Anne Goossensen, Urska Lunder, Agnes van der Heide on behalf of the iLIVE Consortium
2 August 2024
Palliative Care and Social Practice
Facilitators and barriers of implementing end-of-life care volunteering in a hospital in five European countries: the iLIVE study
Berivan Yildiz, Agnes van der Heide, Misa Bakan, Grethe Skorpen Iversen, Dagny Faksvåg Haugen, Tamsin McGlinchey, Ruthmarijke Smeding, John Ellershaw, Claudia Fischer, Judit Simon, Eva Vibora-Martin, Inmaculada Ruiz-Torreras, Anne Goossensen & the iLIVE consortium
1 April 2024
BMC Palliative Care
Updating international consensus on best practice in care of the dying: A Delphi study
Tamsin McGlinchey, Rebecca Early, Stephen Mason, Carl Johan Furst, Lia van Zuylen, Susie Wilkinson, John Ellershaw
3 February 2023
Palliative Medicine
10/40 Model
Live well, die well - an international cohort study on experiences, concerns and preferences of patients in the last phase of life: the research protocol of the iLIVE study
Berivan Yildiz, Simon Allan, Misa Bakan et al
5 August 2022
BMJ Open
Hospital care for the dying patient with cancer: does an advance care planning invitation influence bereaved relatives’ experiences? A two country survey
Nina Elisabeth Hjorth, Karl Ove Hufthammer, Katrin Sigurdardottir, Vilma Adriana Tripodoro, Gabriel Goldraij, Anne Kvikstad, Dagny Faksvag Haugen, on behalf of the ERANet-LAC CODE project group
30 November 2021
BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care
ILIVE Project Volunteer study. Developing international consensus for a European Core Curriculum for hospital end-of-life-care volunteer services, to train volunteers to support patients in the last weeks of life: A Delphi study
Tamsin McGlinchey, Stephen R Mason, Ruthmarijke Smeding, Anne Goossensen, Inmaculada Ruiz-Torreras, Dagny Faksvåg Haugen, Miša Bakan, John E Ellershaw
19 October 2021
Palliative Medicine
One chance to get it right: improving clinical handovers for better symptom control at the end of life
Gabriel Goldraij, Vilma Adriana Tripodoro, Melisa Aliosio, Sandra Analia Castro, Christina Gerlach, Catriona Rachel Mayland, Dagny Faksvag Haugen, The ERANet-LAC CODE Project Group
12 September 2021
BMJ Open Quality
Experiences of preparing children for a death of an important adult during the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed methods study
Rapa E, Hanna JR, Mayland CR, Mason S, Moltrecht B, Dalton LJ
15 August 2021
BMJ Open
Good Quality Care for Patients with Cancer Dying in Hospitals, but Information Needs Not Met: Bereaved Relatives' Survey within Seven Countries
Dagny Faksvåg Haugen, Karl Ove Hufthammer, Christina Gerlach, Katrin Sigurdardottir, Marit Irene Tuen Hansen, Grace Ting, Vilma Adriana Tripodoro, Gabriel Goldraij, Eduardo Garcia Yanneo, Wojciech Leppert, Katarzyna Wolszczak, Lair Zambon, Juliana Nalin Passarini, Ivete Alonso Bredda Saad, Martin Weber, John Ellershaw, Catriona Rachel Mayland
30 June 2021
The Oncologist
Are public health measures and individualised care compatible in the face of a pandemic? A national observational study of bereaved relatives' experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic
Mayland CR, Hughes R, Lane S, McGlinchey T, Donnellan W, Bennett K, Hanna J, Rapa E, Dalton L, Mason SR
30 May 2021
Palliative Medicine
Health and social care professionals’ experiences of providing end of life care during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study
Jeffrey R Hanna, Elizabeth Rapa, Louise J Dalton, Rosemary Hughes, Louise M Quarmby, Tamsin McGlinchey, Warren J Donnellan, Kate M Bennett, Catriona R Mayland, Stephen R Mason
17 May 2021
Palliative Medicine
A qualitative study of bereaved relatives' end of life experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic
Jeffrey R Hanna, Elizabeth Rapa, Louise J Dalton, Rosemary Hughes, Tamsin McGlinchey, Kate M Bennett, Warren J Donnellan, Stephen R Mason, Catriona R Mayland
29 March 2021
Palliative Medicine
Development of an international Core Outcome Set (COS) for best care for the dying person: study protocol
Sofia C Zambrano, Dagny Faksvag Haugen, Agnes van der Heide, Vilma A Tripodoro, John Ellershaw, Carl Johan Furst, Raymond Voltz, Stephen Mason, Maria L Daud, Gustavo de Simone, Kerstin Kremeike, Svandis Iris Halfdanardottir, Valgedur Sigurdardottir, Birgit H Rasmussen, Paula Williamson, Steffen Eychmueller in collaboration with the iLIVE Consortium
30 November 2020
BMC Palliative Care
The CODE Innovations Umbrella
The ERANet-LAC CODE Consortium
1 November 2020
Factors affecting quality of end-of-life hospital care - a qualitative analysis of free text comments from the i-CODE survey in Norway
Marit Irene Tuen Hansen, Dagny Faksvag Haugen, Katrin Ruth Sigurdardottir, Anne Kvikstad, Catriona R Mayland, Margarethe Ase Schaufel
6 July 2020
BMC Palliative Care
Assessing quality of care for the dying from the bereaved relatives’ perspective: Using pre-testing survey methods across seven countries to develop an international outcome measure
Catriona R Mayland, Christina Gerlach, Katrin Sigurdardottir, Marit Irene Tuen Hansen, Wojciech Leppert, Andrzej Stachowiak, Maria Krajewska, Eduardo Garcia-Yanneo, Vilma Tripodoro, Gabriel Goldraij, Martin Weber, Lair Zambon, Juliana Nalin Passarini, Ivete Bredda Saad, John Ellershaw, Dagny Faksvag Haugen
10 January 2019
Palliative Medicine